Neither palette generator worked worth spit. Actually, the one I linked in the previous post just plain didn't work while the one I shared last year - letschipit -gave me five different grays. Perhaps I need to take the shower curtain down and photograph it outside on a sunny day.
But until then, I'm wondering about this combination:
Constance Ramos' Seaside
Seems peacefully neutral, but I'm wondering if it will be too dull and dreary on a rainy British Columbia day. The yellow is a reasonable facsimile of the couch, but I'm really not sure... dull, dull, dull?
But until then, I'm wondering about this combination:
Constance Ramos' Seaside
Seems peacefully neutral, but I'm wondering if it will be too dull and dreary on a rainy British Columbia day. The yellow is a reasonable facsimile of the couch, but I'm really not sure... dull, dull, dull?